Video Visits Technical Requirements
How to Get Started
Quick Tips for Your Best Care
To ensure you have the best experience during your Virtual Care video visit, follow these tips:
- You will need a MyChart account in order to use Virtual Care. If you currently have a MyChart account, please login. If you need to create an account, start here. To find out about MyChart benefits and how to
setup an account, learn more here.
Mobile App
- If you are on a mobile device, it is recommended that you download the Baptist Health MyHealth app. Once you open the MyHealth app, select MyChart in the bottom bar and log in to your account.
- To begin your video visit, visit Baptist Health MyChart. Video visits work in most browsers. No additional software is needed. If you are on mobile, it is recommended that you download the Baptist Health MyHealth app. Once you open the MyHealth app, select MyChart in the bottom bar and log in to your account.
Visit Visuals
- When starting your video visit, please center the camera on yourself and make sure the environment around you is well lit. Avoid having a window or other bright light directly behind you so our providers can see your face.
How to Get Started with a Scheduled Video Visit
Next Steps with MyChart
Discover MyChart, a free patient portal that combines your Baptist Health medical records into one location. Schedule appointments, review lab results, financials, and more! If you have questions, give us a call.
Care Finder