MetaNeb Therapy

What is MetaNeb Therapy?

MetaNeb® is a machine that can help you breathe easier. It helps expand your lungs, move secretions, and prevent lung failure. It can also use compressed air to give you more oxygen.

MetaNeb therapy can help with the following conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Emphysema
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Pulmonary atelectasis
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Emergency Airway Management
  • Post-Operative Airway Management

How it Works

MetaNeb treatment helps expand your lungs, clear your lungs of mucus, mobilize your secretions, and improve your breathing. The MetaNeb® System provides four specific functions: high-frequency oscillation, continuous positive expiratory pressure (CPEP), supplemental oxygen, and aerosol therapy.

MetaNeb treatment functions:

  • High-frequency oscillation—High-frequency oscillation helps safely ventilate your lungs. 
  • CPEP—CPEP helps you breathe easier by expanding your lungs.
  • Supplemental oxygen— Supplemental oxygen reduces stress on your lungs. The oxygen is usually delivered through a mouthpiece or a facemask that covers both your mouth and nose.
  • Aerosol therapy—Aerosol therapy is delivered through the mouth, nose, or both to help with breathing. Aerosol therapy helps with breathing by delivering medicine to your lungs.

What to Expect

Doctors can provide MetaNeb therapy whether you are awake or unconscious, such as post-surgery. The therapy is typically offered in a hospital or other medical facility by a trained respiratory therapist or other medical professional.

During MetaNeb therapy, a respiratory therapist will give you a mouthpiece or facemask. The therapy might include lung expansion, positive pressure, and medicine delivered by aerosol spray. Adjustable rates of pressure and oxygen flow help reduce discomfort.

Since the MetaNeb® System combines three different functions, it generally shortens the duration of therapy. The duration of MetaNeb therapy depends on the severity of your lung condition. 

Side Effects

There are usually no MetaNeb complications. MetaNeb therapy often reduces medical complications related to pulmonary conditions.


The prognosis of MetaNeb varies by your general health and response to treatment. However, the prognosis is generally good for managing symptoms related to lung conditions. Research findings suggest that MetaNeb therapy significantly reduces post-surgery pulmonary complications. MetaNeb also reduces your time on mechanical ventilation and often shortens your stay in the hospital.

When It Comes to Respiratory Health, We’re a Breath of Fresh Air

If you’re dealing with a respiratory ailment or condition, see your Baptist Health physician. He or she will be able to assess your condition and determine which medical treatments, if any, are most appropriate for you.

What to Expect

Doctors can provide MetaNeb therapy whether you are awake or unconscious, such as post-surgery. The therapy is typically offered in a hospital or other medical facility by a trained respiratory therapist or other medical professional.

During MetaNeb therapy, a respiratory therapist will give you a mouthpiece or facemask. The therapy might include lung expansion, positive pressure, and medicine delivered by aerosol spray. Adjustable rates of pressure and oxygen flow help reduce discomfort.

Since the MetaNeb® System combines three different functions, it generally shortens the duration of therapy. The duration of MetaNeb therapy depends on the severity of your lung condition. 

Side Effects

There are usually no MetaNeb complications. MetaNeb therapy often reduces medical complications related to pulmonary conditions.


The prognosis of MetaNeb varies by your general health and response to treatment. However, the prognosis is generally good for managing symptoms related to lung conditions. Research findings suggest that MetaNeb therapy significantly reduces post-surgery pulmonary complications. MetaNeb also reduces your time on mechanical ventilation and often shortens your stay in the hospital.

When It Comes to Respiratory Health, We’re a Breath of Fresh Air

If you’re dealing with a respiratory ailment or condition, see your Baptist Health physician. He or she will be able to assess your condition and determine which medical treatments, if any, are most appropriate for you.

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