Low Estrogen

What Is Low Estrogen?

Low estrogen refers to a condition where a person's body doesn't produce enough of a vital hormone known as estrogen. In a woman's body, estrogen plays a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle, maintaining healthy bones, and contributing to the health of the heart and skin. Meanwhile, in a man's body, even though produced in smaller amounts, estrogen is important for maintaining bone health, sexual function, and a balance of other hormones.


The symptoms of low estrogen can vary based on gender, presenting differently in women than in men.

Symptoms in Women

Signs of low estrogen in women:

  • Weight Gain—Low estrogen can lead to an increase in body weight, as estrogen helps regulate the distribution and storage of fat.
  • Dry Skin—Lower levels of estrogen can lead to reduced skin moisture and elasticity, causing dryness.
  • Sensitive Breasts—Estrogen affects breast tissue, and lower levels may lead to increased breast sensitivity or discomfort.
  • Weak Bones—Estrogen plays a key role in maintaining bone density. Lower levels can contribute to weakened bones.
  • Increased Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)—Lower estrogen levels may affect your urinary tract's health, leading to an increased risk of infections.
  • Painful Intercourse—Reduced estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness, making intercourse uncomfortable or painful.
  • Focus Issues—Estrogen has an impact on cognitive function, and a deficit may result in concentration or memory problems.
  • Moodiness—Estrogen affects mood regulation, so low levels might mean increased irritability or mood swings.
  • Hot Flashes—A common symptom often related to menopause, hot flashes can occur when estrogen levels decrease.
  • Headaches—Changes in estrogen levels can trigger headaches or migraines.
  • Depression—Fluctuations in estrogen can influence brain chemicals linked to mood and depression.
  • Tiredness—Lower estrogen can impact overall energy levels, causing persistent fatigue.
  • Irregular Menstruation—Low levels of estrogen may cause irregular periods or even amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Symptoms in Men

Low estrogen symptoms in men:

  • Weight Gain—In men, low estrogen may lead to increased body fat due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Dry Skin—Men can experience dry skin because of reduced skin moisture linked to low estrogen.
  • Migraines—Changes in hormone levels, including low estrogen, could trigger migraines in men.
  • Weakness—Low estrogen can affect muscle strength and stamina, potentially prompting feelings of physical weakness.
  • Brittle Bones—Low estrogen in men can also result in decreased bone density, brittle, or weak bones.
  • Bone Loss—In the longer term, decreased bone density could lead to significant bone loss.
  • Reduced Sex Drive—Estrogen plays a part in male sexual function, and lower levels may contribute to a diminished libido.


There are several factors that can cause low estrogen in both men and women. These factors include age, health issues, and medication.

Causes in Women

The causes of low estrogen in women can include natural biological processes and certain health conditions.

Low estrogen causes in women:

  • Age—The primary reason for reduced estrogen levels in women is age. As women approach and reach menopause, typically around the age of 50, their bodies naturally produce less estrogen.
  • Ovarian Disorders—Conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or premature ovarian failure can disrupt the production of estrogen.
  • Eating Disorders—Disorders like anorexia nervosa can alter the body's hormone production, including estrogen.
  • Extreme Exercise—High levels of physical activity can sometimes disrupt the menstrual cycle and decrease estrogen levels.
  • Certain Medications—Some drugs, such as those used for chemotherapy or hormone therapy, can reduce estrogen levels.

Causes in Men

In men, low estrogen levels are often linked to aging or certain medical conditions.

Low estrogen causes in men:

  • Age—The most common cause of low estrogen in men is aging. As men age, their bodies naturally produce less estrogen.
  • Hypogonadism—This condition, where the body produces little or no sex hormones, can lead to low estrogen levels in men.
  • Obesity—Excess body fat can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body, including estrogen.
  • Liver Disease—Since the liver plays a crucial role in hormone metabolism, liver diseases can affect estrogen levels.
  • Certain Medications—Some drugs, such as those used for treating prostate cancer, can reduce estrogen levels.

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that can make a person more likely to experience low estrogen levels. These factors differ slightly between women and men.

Risk Factors for Women

  • Age—As women age, particularly during and after menopause, their bodies naturally produce less estrogen, increasing the risk of low estrogen levels.
  • Family History—Women with a family history of hormonal imbalances, like low estrogen, may be at a higher risk.
  • Eating Disorders—Conditions such as anorexia or bulimia, which can disrupt normal body functions, can also foster low estrogen.
  • Excessive Exercise—High levels of physical activity, especially without adequate nutrition, can disrupt hormonal balance and lower estrogen levels.
  • Underweight—Being significantly underweight can impact estrogen production, leading to lower levels of the hormone.

Risk Factors for Men

  • Age—As men age, their bodies produce less estrogen, increasing the risk of low estrogen levels.
  • Obesity—Being significantly overweight can interrupt hormone production and balance, causing lower estrogen levels.
  • Family History—Men with a family history of hormonal imbalances may be at a higher risk of low estrogen.
  • Liver Disease—Chronic liver conditions can affect the body's ability to produce and metabolize hormones, including estrogen.
  • Alcohol Abuse—Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with the body's hormone balance, making you more vulnerable to low estrogen levels.


Diagnosing low estrogen typically involves a series of blood tests administered by a healthcare professional. In women, these tests measure the amount of estrogen in the blood, helping doctors determine if levels are lower than normal. These tests, in conjunction with a thorough medical history and symptom review, allow your doctor to accurately diagnose low estrogen levels.


Treatment for low estrogen depends on the underlying cause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often used to replenish estrogen levels, particularly if the cause is not age-related.

Other treatment options may include:

  • Dietary changes
  • Exercise regimen
  • Stress management

    It is important to discuss these options with your healthcare provider to decide on the most suitable approach for your situation


While it's impossible to prevent age-related decreases in estrogen, there are steps you can take to maintain healthier estrogen levels.

Key prevention strategies include:

  • Weight maintenance
  • Moderate exercise
  • Stress management
  • Balanced diet

These lifestyle modifications can support overall hormonal balance and contribute to improved wellbeing, even as your natural hormonal changes occur with age.

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