Convergent Procedure

Recurrent AF can be addressed with nonsurgical ablation techniques performed by electrophysiologists (non-surgeons). Should patients continue to have recurrent AF, they may be considered for an adjunctive procedure that also utilizes ablations performed through a small surgical incision. This bringing together of nonsurgical and surgical ablations is known as the Convergent Procedure.

The Convergent Procedure involves making an incision on the lower edge of the sternum. Through this incision, access is gained to the space directly underneath the heart (but inside the heart itself). This bottom area of the heart is the left atrium, the target area for much of the ablation techniques used to treat AF. A radiofrequency ablation tool is used to treat the lower part of the left atrium. Once this surgical procedure is completed, the patient may undergo further evaluation and possibly even further ablations by an electrophysiologist. A patient undergoing a Convergent Procedure may remain in-hospital for a few days for close monitoring.