Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Program

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) is a cardiac muscle disorder characterized by asymmetric growth of the heart muscle at the outflow of the left ventricle, producing an obstruction with gradual thickening of the heart muscle, leakage of the mitral valve and progressive development of heart failure and high risk for sudden death.

Diagnosis require high level of clinical suspicion and echocardiograms and cardiac catheterization. Medical management, alcohol injection (septal ablation) and septal myectomy with and without valve replacement are the standard treatment options. The goal of the treatment is to relieve symptoms and prevent sudden cardiac death. The surgical myectomy requires removal of a wedge of muscle in the area of the obstruction and is at high risk of complications if not done in expert hands. It is the best treatment option in patients with a defined “bulge” and with physiologic reserve to tolerate an operation. It is indicated when medications fail.

Our collaborative HOCM team includes surgeons, cardiologist with expertise in echocardiography and interventional cardiologists. Different treatment options are tailored to the individual patient.

Link:  http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/116/2/196.full