Walk in Drug Testing and Screening
Drug Screening & Testing Labs
An occupational health drug screening is a test that usually involves a urine analysis. More specifically, a drug screening is used to determine if there are any illegal or prescriptions drugs present. Drug screenings are important to ensure your employees or potential employees aren’t under the influence of substances that may inhibit their work or create an unsafe work environment. Drug screenings help protect employees, companies, and often the general public.
Baptist Health Occupational Medicine offers 5-panel drug test screenings for many drugs on a walk-in basis or with an appointment.
What is a 5 Panel Drug Test?
A 5-panel drug test is a type of drug screening used by employers to determine if a job candidate is physically capable of safely performing job duties. A 5-panel drug test checks for five illegal drugs: amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine (meth), MDMA/Ecstasy, and opiates. A five-panel drug test may not detect any other specific drugs.
How Long Do Drug Screening Results Take?
Drug screening results can take anywhere from a few hours up to a week or longer. The type of test, the substance, and the speed of submitting a drug test sample for review will determine how long it takes to get results. Rapid drug tests produce results on the same day. Negative results usually take 24 hours. For positive results, additional testing is completed to validate the findings. Therefore, positive results often take up to a week.
What Do Drug Screenings Look For?
- Marijuana/cannabinoids
- Cocaine
- Opiates
- Amphetamines
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
Contact the Baptist Health Occupational Medicine team if you need additional information or have any questions about our drug screening tests.