Have You Been Told You Need a Hysterectomy?

There are several women’s health issues that can cause severe pain and inconvenience. The most common are fibroids, endometriosis and prolapse. If you have been diagnosed with one of them and want more information or a second opinion, the specialists at Baptist Health Richmond can help, with advanced diagnostic and treatment options.
In some cases, a hysterectomy is the most appropriate treatment. If so, with the laparoscopic procedure available at Baptist Health Richmond, most women can leave the hospital sooner and typically experience less pain than with a full abdominal hysterectomy. But often, there are effective alternative treatments.
Fibroids are benign tumors that grow inside the uterus. They can affect women in very different ways, ranging from no symptoms to debilitating pain and heavy bleeding. “Even though they are not cancerous tumors, fibroids that are causing pain or other problems should be treated,” said Dr. Gina Land. “With the wide range of options available at Baptist Health Richmond, there’s no need for a woman to suffer.”
If you have symptoms that are interfering with your quality of life, you and your physician can discuss which treatment is right for you. It may involve one of the following:
- Hormonal medication
- Myomectomy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which fibroids are removed through small incisions in the abdomen
- Uterine artery embolization, during which tiny particles are injected to cut off blood flow to the fibroids and cause them to shrink
- MRI-guided focused ultrasound that destroys fibroid tissue
A hysterectomy, in which part or all of the uterus is removed, is an option, but one that is usually done only if other treatments haven’t worked.
Endometriosis results when the tissue that normally lines your uterus develops outside of the uterus and grows into your fallopian tubes, ovaries or pelvic lining. As Dr. Land explained, “Endometriosis can cause intense pain in your abdomen and pelvis that may worsen around the time of your period. It can also lead to spotting, severe cramps and back pain. Fortunately, very effective treatments are available.”
Baptist Health Richmond offers treatments including hormone therapy and minimally invasive surgery, an outpatient procedure during which a skilled surgeon removes excess endometrial tissue. Hysterectomy is another option.
The muscles and connective tissues that support a woman’s pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus and vagina, can lose strength or tear, causing the organs to drop down. This may lead to pain and a loss of bladder or bowel control. Changes in a woman’s diet, physical therapy and certain medications can help. But when the prolapse is more severe, surgery is usually required to relieve symptoms.
If you’d like more information or a second opinion, the experts at Baptist Health Richmond are here for you. You can find a physician, schedule an appointment, or if it’s time to schedule a procedure, visit us here at Baptist Health Richmond Surgical Services.
Financial counselors are available to help if you have concerns about the cost.