Volunteer Opportunities at Baptist Health Hardin

The Baptist Health Hardin Auxiliary is a civic-minded organization of volunteers serving across the healthcare system. Members create community at regular meetings, fundraisers and social events.

Consider joining the Auxiliary to support healthcare in Central Kentucky.

Volunteer opportunities are available across the healthcare system and provide essential day-to-day support. Volunteers work with experienced staff members to serve the needs of patients and their families. For more information, contact Kevin Hilton or submit an application (Adult Volunteer Application)

Baptist Health Hardin Teenage Volunteer Program
Baptist Health Hardin Teenage Volunteer Program offer young men and women, ages of 14 and 20, to explore the healthcare field. The program includes year-round or summer opportunities. Program includes orientation and supervised volunteer opportunities. The goal of the program is to introduce a new generation to healthcare and the work of Baptist Health Hardin. For more information, contact Kevin Hilton or submit an application (Teenage Volunteer Registration Packet)

$500 Auxiliary Scholarship

Applicant must:

  • Be enrolled in a medical field of study at an accredited college
  • Applicant must be a current resident of the 10 county service area that Baptist Health Hardin serves or a graduate from a high school in the 10 county service area which Baptist Health Hardin serves (The 10 counties are: Hardin, Larue, Meade, Breckinridge, Grayson, Nelson, Hart, Bullitt, Green and Taylor)
  • Provide a copy of a high school/college transcript with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Be enrolled in at least nine semester college hours
  • Provide a written recommendation from a teacher/instructor
  • Provide a brief summary of why you are requesting this scholarship

Apply by April 1st for consideration.
Applications will be screened by the Auxiliary Scholarship Committee to select the recipients. The Baptist Health Hardin Auxiliary Executive committee will approve the selection.

Auxiliary Scholarship Application

Gift Shop

Exciting news! The Baptist Health Hardin Gift Shop is now online. We have a large variety of items on the site and more are being added frequently. Items can be delivered to patients and staff, picked up (curb side service is available) or shipped within the United States.

For more information, call 270.706.1714.

Reminder: Baptist Health employees receive a 20% discount every day (some exclusions apply). At the end of the order Baptist Health employees must select “in store pickup” and pay when merchandise is picked up to receive their 20% discount.

Don’t forget to shop for a cause!  All proceeds benefit Baptist Health Hardin patients and staff.