September 06, 2024

Urgency in Treating a Heart Attack in Richmond, KY

Screenshot of Larry Todd Breeding MD Interventional Cardiology Baptist Health Richmond
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Heart disease is the number one killer of adult men in the United States.

And when we talk about the cardiac related deaths in men, in many instances, what we are talking about is heart attacks and the complications that arise from a heart attack. The most common symptom that we typically encounter is chest discomfort. Other patients may experience shortness of breath. They may experience a sense that their heart is racing or beating irregularly.

One of the things that we try to get out as a public service message to the community is the importance for men to seek medical attention as early as possible.

At Baptist Health Richmond, we have the capability of doing emergency heart catheterizations and opening a blocked artery, which is causing the heart attack. We have staff that's available twenty four hours a day. And if you present early into your heart attack, we can perform this minimally invasive procedure. And once the blocked heart muscle dies before we have the opportunity to use these techniques that are available here.

Urgency in Treating Heart Attack Health Talk Transcript:

Larry Todd Breeding, MD, Interventional Cardiology
Baptist Health Richmond

Larry Todd Breeding, MD:
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of adult men in the United States. When we talk about cardiac-related deaths in men, in many instances, what we are talking about is heart attacks and the complications that arise from a heart attack.

The most common symptom we typically encounter is chest discomfort. Other patients may experience shortness of breath, they may experience a sense that their heart is racing, beating irregularly.

One of the things we try to get out as a public service message to the community is the importance for men to seek medical attention as early as possible.

At Baptist Health Richmond, we have the capability of doing an emergency heart catheterization by opening a blocked artery that is causing the heart attack. We have staff available 24 hours a day, and if you present early into your heart attack, we can perform this minimally invasive procedure. Once the blocked artery is open, that allows for immediate recovery of blood flow to the heart, thereby terminating the heart attack. The longer you wait, the more heart muscle dies before we have the opportunity to use the techniques that are available here.

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