September 06, 2024

Emergency Care in Lexington, KY

Screenshot of Bruce Kostelknik DO Emergency Medicine Baptist Health Lexington

Emergency Care in Hamburg Health Talk Transcript:

Bruce Kostelnik, DO, Emergency Medicine

Baptist Health Lexington

Bruce Kostelnik, DO:
Here at Baptist [Health] Hamburg, we are a free-standing emergency department, and we are equipped to take care of a lot of different complaints. We are able to pivot at a moment's notice and take care of the child that has been injured at a soccer game or the older individual coming from a nursing home with shortness of breath. Many of those complaints don't need an inpatient stay or a full-fledged hospital. We're seeing patients coming to see us instead of having the need to drive all the way down to the center of Lexington, to Baptist [Health Lexington].

Here at Hamburg, we have a very well-equipped emergency department with full radiology suites, including plain film, CT scan, MRI and also ultrasound.

We have the ability to take care of patients in this free-standing emergency department as if you’re in any other emergency department attached to a hospital. We feel that at this facility, we are well equipped to take care of most things.

Baptist Health had a vision to be able to take care of and reach out to a broader group of people than just central Fayette County and surrounding county regions. The location here at Baptist Hamburg is right off two major interstates and is very closely located to multiple other counties. We can offer advanced emergency medicine care and also provide outpatient services just down the hall.

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