Healthy Planet system rolls out this month

May 12, 2017

The launch of Epic's new Healthy Planet data analytics system is underway, and implementation will continue throughout 2017. The module will provide a dashboard for providers to access and review performance in relation to accountable care organization (ACO) quality measures and cost and utilization measures. It also will serve as the platform for our clinically integrated network (CIN)...

The launch of Epic’s new Healthy Planet data analytics system is underway, and implementation will continue throughout 2017. The module will provide a dashboard for providers to access and review performance in relation to accountable care organization (ACO) quality measures and cost and utilization measures. It also will serve as the platform for our clinically integrated network (CIN)

Both employed and independent providers who are members of Baptist Health Care Partners (ACO) and Baptist Health Network Partners (CIN) will receive communication regarding dashboard access in a variety of ways in the coming weeks, including emails, tip sheets, phone calls and in-office education with Epic/CIN training staff.

Healthy Planet will be a separate window in Epic that keeps track of all assigned patients for each provider. Using claims data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and clinical data from the electronic health record, each of the quality metrics that we are required to report will be on that window. Providers can view their completion percentages on each measure as an aggregate number for their full assigned panel, or they can drill down to individual patients.

If you have questions, contact Pat Harrod, assistant vice president of Networks and Collaboration, or Jordan Ellis, manager of Strategic Projects.