January 09, 2019

How to Portion Control: 4 Portion Control Tips for Weight Loss

Tips for Portion Control

Following the frenzy of holiday festivities, you may find yourself making New Year’s Resolutions of eating healthier. As you get back into the swing of things, breakroom goodies and office potlucks and cocktail hours make it easy to let healthy eating habits go by the wayside.

4 Tips for Portion Control

If you aren’t careful, those extra calories can add up to extra pounds, and studies have shown that even short-term weight gain can have long-term health effects. Before you hit the next holiday buffet, put a plan in place. Keep these tips in mind for better portion control – all year long:

Spoil Your Dinner

If you have an event planned, eat regular, healthy meals beforehand so you aren’t starving at party time. Have a piece of fruit, a small salad or another healthy snack before you go so you’ll eat less.

Replace Your Candy Dish with a Fruit Bowl

Instead of keeping tempting treats in easy-to-reach places, such as a candy dish or cookie jar, store them out of sight. Fill a bowl on your counter with fruit, such as easy-to-peel mandarin oranges, apples, pears, and bananas.

Get a To-Go Box

When eating at a restaurant, order a to-go box with your meal and divide your food when it arrives at your table. Or, split an entrée with a friend.

Use a Smaller Plate

It’s always tempting to fill your plate full, so when possible, choose a smaller-sized plate. If you must use a large plate, fill it with fruits, veggies and lean proteins first. Skip (or limit) high-fat dips, crackers, bread, and sweets.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers more tips to help you avoid portion pitfalls and you can learn how to fill your plate at www.myplate.gov.

Baptist Health hospitals and fitness centers offer nutrition counseling. Ask your doctor about programs available at the Baptist Health location near you, or visit www.BaptistHealth.com.

Learn More.
