Early Detection of Colon Cancer in La Grange, KY

Early Detection of Colon Cancer HealthTalk Video Transcript
Samuel Walling, MD, Colon and Rectal Surgery
Baptist Health La Grange
Samuel Walling, MD:
Colon and rectal cancer used to be the fourth most common cancer-causing death in the U.S., but it's become the second most common in women and the first most common in men. Here in Kentucky, we have the highest rate of colon cancer in young people who are less than 50 years old in the whole country. Current screening protocols call for everyone to be screened by age 45, but some people need to be screened earlier.
If you have a family history of colon polyps, colon cancer or certain symptoms, it's important to get screened earlier. We can help people identify problems and make sure they get screened in adequate time to detect their disease earlier or prevent it from developing altogether.
The best screening modality for colon cancer is a colonoscopy because we can identify lesions that can eventually grow into cancer and remove them at the time of the colonoscopy, preventing you from ever getting cancer.
If we find an abnormal lesion during your colonoscopy that requires surgery, most of the time, we're able to do that through a minimally invasive technique. We use small incisions, and you spend a shorter amount of time in the hospital and have a much easier recovery afterward.
Here in La Grange, we are able to offer the same colon and rectal surgical care that you can get in a big city. It’s a smaller setting that's closer to home with welcoming staff who truly care about the community because most of them live in it.
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Colon Cancer
The risk of colorectal cancer increases dramatically with age. Take our colorectal cancer risk assessment to estimate your personal risk of developing colon and rectal cancer.