Heart Failure Clinic in New Albany, IN

Tex Ritter, APRN:
The kind of patients we see here at the Baptist Heart Failure Clinic Floyd are typically patients with low ejection fractions who have been found and discovered while they're here in the hospital.
Nicholas Roth:
The heart issues that I have are a leaking valve. My legs had started swelling more and more in my feet and I was getting out of breath, and that had been kind of progressing for about maybe a month. And from there, it was just time to go. I had to get some help.
Tex Ritter, APRN:
If we can intervene early in their care, we can typically modify some behaviors that will help and provide the proper medication. We have a pharmacist that's actually on site when you come in for your appointment. They are remarkable resources for us providers in so much as you can determine more what's effective in getting patients to that goal-directed medical therapy that's going to make them feel better, to the point they can play with their grandkids on the floor in the living room.
Nicholas Roth:
The process of the medicines they're giving me is taking the pressure off of that leaky valve, and I've reduced my weight and my blood pressure's down. I feel a heck of a lot better. I definitely think this has been beneficial coming here.