Can You Get Other Vaccines at the Same Time as Your COVID-19 Vaccine?

When the COVID-19 vaccines were first authorized for use, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended waiting two weeks after a COVID-19 shot to get other immunizations. That guideline was issued “out of an abundance of caution” as they say because, while the CDC knew that the vaccines were safe, little was known about whether their effectiveness would be decreased in someone who got other vaccinations at the same time.
However, that guideline has been amended as more data on the vaccines has come in. The CDC now says you can get other vaccines whenever it’s convenient, without regard to when you got a COVID-19 shot, including on the same day as your COVID-19 vaccine.
Routine Vaccinations Are Still Important
While the COVID-19 vaccine is making headlines, other vaccinations are still very important. That’s particularly true for children and teens. But vaccines like the tetanus booster or the shingles vaccine for adults are also necessary to prevent serious illnesses.
Note: The CDC publishes a recommended vaccine schedule for young people up to age 18. It’s a helpful resource for parents.
Don’t take a chance with your health.
Getting the COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to prevent COVID-19 infection and end the pandemic. The vaccine cannot give you COVID-19, but it can help protect you from serious illness. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine and make a vaccination appointment at a location near you.
Does Getting Other Vaccines at the Same Time as a COVID-19 Vaccine Decrease Its Effectiveness?
The CDC says there is no evidence getting other vaccinations around the time of your COVID-19 shot affects the effectiveness or safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s a great reason to get caught up on any vaccinations you’ve missed or to stay on schedule for those you should be getting.
Plus, making an appointment to get multiple vaccinations at the same time minimizes your trips to your healthcare provider.
Children Age 12 and Older Can Now Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19
With the Delta variant of COVID-19 proving to be far more contagious than the original virus, it’s more important than ever for children and teens to be vaccinated. And because the waiting period around the COVID-19 vaccination has been lifted, getting that shot doesn’t have to interfere with getting other vaccinations.
Make a Vaccination Appointment for Yourself or Your Child
Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and being well protected against severe illness is easy. With the vaccines being available for many months now, the process for administering them is highly efficient. Make an appointment today for yourself or your child to get a COVID-19 vaccination. But before you do, ask your doctor if there are other vaccines you or your child should get in the same appointment.
Next Steps and Useful Resources:
Schedule Your Vaccine Appointment
Start Your COVID-19 Test Online
What to Do if You Miss Your Second COVID Vaccine
What is Vaccine Efficacy?