Baptist Health Corbin receives the 2021 KHA Quality Award
Congratulations to Baptist Health Corbin's Critical Care Unit!
CORBIN, KY (November 3, 2021) - Baptist Health Corbin’s Critical Care Unit (CCU) was presented the 2021 Kentucky Hospital Association Quality Award for Acute Care Hospitals with more than 250 beds. The KHA Quality Award honors hospital leadership and innovation in quality, safety, and commitment in patient care. The goals of this award are to raise awareness of the need for an organization-wide commitment to highly reliable, exceptional quality, patient-centered care.
The CCU was recognized for the prevention, detection and treatment of ICU patients who are at high risk for delirium. The CCU delirium intervention project started early January 2020 with a multi-disciplinary team that included nursing, hospital providers and the critical care intensivist. The team met to collaborate on protocols and prioritize interventions from an evidence table, which included lighting that mimicked sunrise to sunset, visual cues for patients and staff, patient, family and staff education, standardizing assessment tools for delirium in the electronic medical record, and barriers and considerations of implementing pharmacological interventions. The overall goal was to prevent delirium and decrease length of stay, restraint usage, ventilator day and reintubation in the Critical Care Unit. “Our team was amazing, we identified a patient need and worked as a team to provide the best patient care possible,” stated Heather Napier, Executive Director of Quality & Outcomes, Baptist Health Corbin.
KHA rewards successful efforts to develop and promote improvements in quality of care and to inspire organizations to systematically integrate and alight their quality improvement efforts throughout the organization. Sherrie Mays, CNO, VP, Baptist Health Corbin stated, “This team’s dedication to their patients is amazing. I never cease to be impressed by their passion for patient care.” Congratulations to Baptist Health Corbin’s Critical Care Unit!
Baptist Health Corbin Chief Nursing Officer & Vice President Sherrie Mays,
CCU and ICU Director Eric Willis and
Executive Director of Quality & Outcomes Heather Napier
receive the KHA Quality Award from KHA's Deb Campbell