Screening alerts Hanson man to high blood pressure among Baptist Health Madisonville's community health wins

January 18, 2019

Screening alerts Hanson man to high blood pressure, among Baptist Health Madisonville's community health wins

Featured in video series

Screening alerts Hanson man to high blood pressure,

among Baptist Health Madisonville’s community health wins


MADISONVILLE, KENTUCKY (Jan. 18, 2019) – Brad Franklin thought he was a pretty healthy guy, until a recent trip to the Hopkin County Community Clinic proved him wrong.


At a clinic screening, the former baseball commissioner learned his blood pressure was dangerously high – at stroke level.


“I never would have known that my numbers were so high and at stroke level if it hadn’t been for Baptist Health’s screening,” the Hanson man said. “It was a real wake up call. Having a screening like that could save you the same way it saved me.”


Franklin’s story is the subject of a just-released video, part of a series designed to illustrate the work Baptist Health physicians, nurses and staff do to improve the health of their communities. The video also includes Michael Howard, the hospital’s vice president of education and research, and medical student Ellie Jolly. Jolly said the clinic screenings are a valuable asset to the community. “We’re doing this (screenings) for a reason,” she said. “We’re making a difference.”


A color photo of Franklin playing golf now graces the rotunda of Baptist Health’s headquarters building in Louisville, one of the daily reminders of the system’s mission to demonstrate the love of Christ by providing and coordinating care to improve the health of communities served.


“Improving the health of the communities we serve could be represented in a pie chart or a bar graph,” said Rob Ramey, Baptist Health Madisonville president.  “But we’d prefer to measure our success in terms of people and the lives we’ve changed – people like Brad Franklin and many others like him.”


All Baptist Health hospitals are represented in the photo gallery and video series. Each photo and video highlights a wellness program, and focuses on those who benefitted from those programs. Programs featured include heart health, diabetes prevention, health screenings, breast cancer awareness, physical fitness for students, smoking cessation and opioid education.


“These photos, and the videos, are a vivid reminder for us – especially those at the System Services Center headquarters – of the wonderful work Baptist Health is doing in our communities,” Baptist Health CEO Gerard Colman said to leaders and staff who attended the Dec. 5 unveiling ceremony. “We hope this exhibit will inspire you, and you will share these images with vendors and visitors to illustrate the meaning of our mission.”


The gallery and video project is tied to the triennial Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) report recently created for each Baptist Health hospital. The reports pinpoint each area’s top health concerns and outline a roadmap to improvement. The reports are available at


Baptist Health Madisonville’s CHNA report covers its service area of Hopkins, Henderson, Union, Crittenden, Caldwell, Trigg, Christian, Todd, Logan, Butler, Ohio, Daviess, McLean, Webster, Hopkins and Muhlenberg counties, identifying the area’s top health concerns as access to healthcare, obesity, cancer, management of chronic diseases, child abuse/neglect/bullying and substance abuse/treatment.


Baptist Health’s annual community report also zeroes in on the CHNA reports and gallery subjects.
When available, copies of that report will also be posted at

